Monday, October 1, 2012

My BABIES aren't BABIES any more!!

Well, it's been another year! I always get so busy with life that I forget to blog.  The boys are no longer babies, toddlers, or preschoolers! They are now Kindergartener’s! My baby boys have grown up to be such big big boys.  Wes lost TWO bottom teeth a month ago and Will lost ONE bottom tooth the week after Wes. They have grown so much and have such different personalities.  Will is me made over.  He is the boss and likes to take charge when he can.  Wes is a momma's boy and wants nothing more than to snuggle with me on the couch.  They are playing soccer this year and seem to enjoy it, sort of.  It's not that the boys dislike it, they just get distracted after 30 mins or so of playing.  They said that the practices were their favorite part! The games are exciting! Both boys scored a goal on their first game!

The boys have different teachers this year at school.  They have behaved extremely well and only gotten into trouble a couple of times.  Wes' teacher says he is her tech support. haha Leave it to Wes to figure out what is wrong with the computer when something happens! Will is his teacher's special helper too.  He helps some of the other kids with their "snappy" words.  They have both had two DIBLES assessments and each scored in the 40s/24.  The goal in kindergarten is 8/24! I would say they are doing extremely well in school! I am so proud of the little men they have turned out to be!

Riding Four wheelers!!

First Day of School!!

Love Wes' face! (He's on the left)

Dancing at Uncle Brandon's wedding.  They/We had a blast!

Love Will's face! This was the day we went hiking on Mt. Cheaha.  They had a blast and we have gone back a couple of times.

Monday, September 19, 2011


I haven't update this blog in forever! It seems like time goes by way faster than we want it to. The boys are almost 5! Yes, I said 5! They started k4 in August and love it!! Both boys are so smart. I am so proud that God chose me to be their mommy! I am so blessed in my life. They make me laugh EVERY single day! The whitty things that come out of their mouth is amazing!

My gracious and heavenly Father has been doing great things in my life. As most of my blog followers know, I was Office Manager at Sav-A-Life in Anniston. When I started volunteering and then working there, I never knew that plans He had for me. I see Him working in my life daily. I have recently resigned from my position at SAL but still volunteer my time there. I am trying to focus on school so I can continue the work He has called me to do. Never in my wildest dreams would I be sitting here thinking I would go into full-time ministry but I feel like He has called me to do just that. I know I am supposed to be in the schools and churches doing abstinence presentations, purity nights, etc. as well as helping out at the office with counseling and Earn While You Learn.

Michelle, Director SAL - Left Brittany, Sonographer SAL- Middle

What else has been going on. Well, God has sent me the man I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with. I never knew a woman could be treated with such respect and such care until I started dating Mr. Dennis Langley. Yes, Dennis Langley. Who would have thought it? Not me! Most of the comments we get are really? Gerri and Dennis? You see, we went to church together at Mt. Zion and have known each other almost 7years. He is a redneck and proud of it. One of the many things I love about him! Mud ridin', fishing, cars, trucks and Bass Pro Shops are all his middle name.He is just an ordinary working man who loves Christ more than he could EVER love me! That, to me, is the most important thing.

Friday, May 13, 2011

"Mommy, Jackson's House Broke"

Hello friends! I know what you are thinking, "It's about time Gerri posted a blog!" HA! Well you all know about the tornadoes in Alabama. One of our dear friends houses was hit by a tornado. I asked the boys if they knew what a tornado was. Will said, "Yes, mommy, it's a big big wind that tears things up!" He began to tell me about Jackson's house and how the toilet was in front of the steps instead of the bathroom. I asked them how they felt about their friends house being gone. Will asked if we could pray for them. Of course! They asked me if they could go to Jackson's house when the toilet got put back in the bathroom! Such innocence! I just love them!

There used to be a house in the picture above.

They will be starting the K4 program at Jacksonville Christian Academy in the fall. They are NOT excited about being in "big" school. They said they will not get to play! Chad and I are proud of the cute little men they are becoming.

Words can not describe how I feel each time I get to wake up to one of them asking if he can come snuggle with me! Love it!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Mommy, You're My Princess"

Now, we all know queens are the best but to be called a princess by my sweet little babies...that is the BEST! Wes and Will are already learning the trick of the trade when it comes to "dooping" me. Haha! I went to pick them up from Chad the other day at Wendy's and as I walked in the door they looked at me and said, "mommy I sure do like that shirt on you"...I was like oohh how sweet. Ten minutes later, "mommy can we have chocolate ice cream?"! Ha! Guess what? - They got the ice cream!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Birthday Number 4!

As I am typing this, in exactly one hour, I never knew how much my life would change. It was on this day four years ago that our lives would forever be turned upside down. It was 9:57 and I heard the cry of a precious little boy that would be named Wesley Aaron. Weighing in at 6lb 3oz he was a tiny thing with dark hair. He looked just like his dad did when he was a baby. It was 9:58 and I heard another cry, this cry was of baby b to be named William Daniel. He was a bit chunkier, especially in the face and weighed in at 7lb 3oz.

The boys came home from the hospital 5 days later. They were so sweet and so precious! I remember the night they came home Wes was wet and needed a diaper change. My mom said she would do it, so I could rest. Well, little did she know Wes was not finished when she took the diaper off he projectile pooped all over mom's arm and face. Good thing she had her glasses on!

Several people ask me often what I looked like when I was pregnant. If you didn't know me when I was pregnant, just know I waddled a lot down GSCC halls and stood in the balcony at church where Bro. Garry was afraid I would topple over each Sunday. It was a long hard pregnancy but so worth it! Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine that my heart could have so much love for two little indivuals. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to WES and WILL! I LOVE YOU!!!

This is 7 months prego.

This picture was Thanksgiving week before delivery!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

After Almost A Year!

Will - Left, Wes - Right

After almost a year, I figured I had better update this blog! The boys are growing so fast. They are a month away from being four and both are into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, stickers, puzzles (lots of puzzles), Letter Factory, and of course Golf! Not to brag too much, but they both are so smart! Both can write their name and copy all letters of the alphabet. They can also sound out all of the letters, spell several words, and can even read some words. They have a hard time with the blend sounds and complex words, but we are working on it! Their teacher teases me about having them learn long division by the time they are four....haha! Of course, I just want them to learn for fun right now and they do. I am the queen of grammar correction but's the teacher in me...what can I say?!

Will - Left, Wes - Right

FINALLY - POTTY TRAINED! This happened around May of this year. It is such a wonderful feeling not to have to buy those crazy expensive diapers and pull-ups!

I hope to keep up with this crazy blog as much as I can, but don't hate me if I don't!

William Daniel Wesley Aaron

The boys had their first trip to the dentist. In the photo, they were going on a "ride"! Let's just say I sure was glad Gran was there to help while I held each boy down to get teeth clean. NO CAVITIES!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday my Two Peas in a Pod!

Our baby boys turned 3, yes 3, on December 1! My memories -

Wesley Aaron - born on December 1, 2006 at 9:50am weighing 6lb 3oz, 19in long

You walked at 9months old! One of your first words was mama. Your favorite baby food was carrots, apple cereal baby food, and Gerber Graduates strawberry yogurt bites!

You took a paci until you were a little over 2 and then decided that you would sleep with a pillowcase instead. You were pretty much potty trained a couple of weeks ago. YAY!

My favorite memory was the night we came home from the hospital and you projectile pooped ALL OVER your
g-momma! We laughed and laughed! Recently, you were walking in the gym at church and saw a ball stuck in the ceiling. You said, "Mommy, there is a ball up there. We need to get it, I know, I a great jumper!". I love you very much and can't believe your little imagination! It is BIG! You like to play tea party using your pillow case and tools (daddy doesn't like this very much). Your favorite t.v. show is The Wonder Pets. You are a big boy and sleep in your own big boy bed! I tried to get to you to come sleep with us one night when you were sick, and you said that you were a big boy and slept in your own room!

William Daniel - born on December 1, 2006 at 9:51am weighing 7lb 3oz, 19in long

You walked at 10months old! One of your first words was dada. Your favorite baby food was apples/plums, apple cereal baby food, and Gerber Graduates yogurt bites!

You took a paci until you were a little over 2 and then decided that you would sleep with a "Pana" instead. (This is the Panda your Nana got you). Your favorite phrase is "Bubba, we don't hit our friends. That not nice. We be nice to your friends!"

My favorite memory was when you climbed in my lap and asked me to sing you a "baby" song, you and I sang Jesus Loves Me. Your favorite t.v. show is The Wonder Pets and you just love choo-choo trains! You are still working on going to the potty but mommy and daddy are proud of the effort you put into it! You still like to sneak in the bed with mommy and daddy at night! (We secretly like snuggling with you too) You love to sing! Recently you learned a Christmas song called Jingle Bells. Well, you changed a word in the song. Instead of saying one HORSE open sleigh, you decided to say one COW open sleigh!

I love you both very much! Happy (late) Birthday to two of the best boys EVER! (Below picture - you are with your cousin Brianna and did not want your picture taken. This was October 2009)